NOTE: This review includes human and in vitro studies of Camellia sinensis and in some cases studeies are limited to small sample extracted constituents. It is not intended to conclude curative actions for the disorders listed. We are providing information for research interest only, and will provide further info on resources if requested.
Potential Actions:
antioxidant, chemoprotective, anti-carcinogenic, anti-mutagenic, anti-bacterial, anti-viral, anti-rheumatic, chrondoprotective, UV protective, radioprotective, anti-inflammatory, osteoprotective, hypoglycemic.
Medicinal uses supported by preliminary studies:
- reduce cancer risk and progression (including ovarian, prostate lung, gastrointestinal, breast, skin, leukemia, bladder.
- protect from UV radiation (internal and external use), and from radiation therapy side effects.
- prevention of cardiovascular disease, including coronary artery disease, and prevention of hypertension.
- improve vascular function and reduce low-density-lipoprotein oxidation.
- decreasing cartilage destruction in Rheumatoid Arthrtis, Osteoarthritis, periodontal disease.
- decrease risk of osteoporosis and related fractures by regulating bone metabolism, particularly when associated with exercise.
Metabolic / Diabetes:
- increasing satiety.
- obesity and over eating.
- decreases / management of blood sugar.
- decrease sebum production to treat acne.
- eye damage and ocular inflammation.
- decrease risk of death from pneumonia.
- hemochromatosis.
- modulation of immune response in autoimmunity.
- prevent or slow cognitive dysfunction/degradation.
- chelating heavy metals.
Contra-indications:-may be inappropriate for patients with insomnia who are sensitive to caffeine; caution should be for patients with heart conditions due to risk of tachycardia; limit of 1-2 cups per cay during pregnancy and lactation.
Cautions:-over consumption may cause problems due to caffeine content, sensitive people may experience nervousness, sleep disorders, vomiting, headache, epigastric pain, tachycardia; aluminium content may cause accumulation especially problematic for patients with renal disorders; disruption of iron bioavailablity is a concern for anaemic patients; diuretic effect should be monitor and dosage limited accordingly.